The 2025 LA wildfire was harrowing. The loss of personal property is almost incalculable. DART is next to the Eaton Canyon wild fire. DART was blacked out with no electricity for two days. Simply reading this website will help you to get started. We are here to help at any stage of the recovery process which could take years. If needed we can prepare a disaster appraisal at your request.
In 2005 William and Bryan Novotny conceived of DART during the Katrina hurricane that ravaged New Orleans. That disaster was too far away, and it was too soon to launch DART. We were not ready then. We are us and find out - 626 292 2224
William Novotny has specialized on losses without any possible inspection for years. His advice is .., you should document your loss sooner rather than later! DART, Bill and Bryan Novotny, can solve your LA wildfire, or an other nationwide disaster loss, whether for insurance or litigation support. Now is the time to get started when your memory is fresh. Act now! This website will show you how!
William Novotny has a very special and important credential. In 2002 he was the first personal property appraiser in the USA to be certified through The Appraisal Foundation to teach the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
Based on that credential, and his extensive experience, William Novotny can review any personal property appraisal report for conformance to USPAP prior to submission to the home owner. This ensures and confirms the credibility of a DART appraisal report. You, and any other intended user you choose to identify can trust and rely upon a report that has signed USPAP certification statement. It is a heavy responsibility. We do what must be done. Since 2002, William (Bill) Novotny has regularly taught an online 7-hour USPAP update course nationwide. He was teaching USPAP online during the LA wild fire.
The DART team has access to many competent and willing qualified personal property appraisers locally and nation wide. They can work for us on your behalf. We can review and confirm that their part of the report is credible and appropriate and USPAP certified.
In 2005 Bill Novotny was hired by Ventura County to appraise the personal property losses of the victims that were buried in their homes by the La Conchita land slide near Santa Barbara. The side of the mountain, thousands of tons, collapsed and buried several homes and 10 victims.
To prepare for this challenging appraisal Novotny consulted widely with his most experienced peers regarding all the relevant issues that apply. He ended up publishing an article in the Journal of Advanced Appraisal Studies. NOTE: CLICK THE BELOW LINK to open and peruse the article...when finished reading close the link window: